Sunday, June 1, 2014

Worse is Better

The thesis "Worse is Better" states that Simplicity of implementation is the overriding design goal of quality software, to the expense of everything else, even Correctness. I don't know if I agree with it in all cases, and I'm not even sure the author agrees with it in all cases. Be that as it may, I am applying this principle to Project Yukari. The main result of this is that if it is simpler (by which I mean takes less time to implement) then do it that way. If I run into trouble using some advanced language or hardware feature, I will see if I can get around it.

Will it be elegant? No.
Will it be extensible? No.
Will it be an example of how to code, a work of art? No.
Will it work? That is the goal above all else. If the robot navigates the course in three weeks, that is Mission Accomplished, nothing else matters.

  • The hardware has a great USB interface. I know that the part is capable of simultaneously acting as a Mass Storage Class and a serial port. However, I haven't learned how to code it. I can't use the Sparkfun bootloader since it doesn't work with SDHC cards. I can't use my upgraded Bootloader_SDHC since it is too slow. Therefore I don't use the USB at all, except for power. I load the software with the LPC2148 monitor. This means that since the PWM is using serial port 1, the GPS is forced to use the same port 0 as the bootloader.
  • The GPS Rx line doesn't seem to be working on the part that I have. I know it has worked in the past, but I can't get it to work now. As a result, I will let the part speak its native NMEA 4800 baud, 1Hz update.
  • The Rocketometer used a timer-interrupt driven task to read the sensors at a precise given cadence. Yukari will instead read the sensors at whatever rate it can, record the timestamp at which it did read, then go with that. 
  • I am having trouble with reading the serial port, and I suspect it has to do with the interrupt-driven nature. Somehow I am not acknowledging an interrupt, and as a consequence no new interrupts are being generated and no new data is being processed. I will make a new NoIntSerial class, as a replacement for HardwareSerial, which will have blocking write and will use the Rx FIFO as its one and only buffer. This will be fine, as long as the main loop is called sufficiently often. In this case the low bitrate from the first item above works to our advantage. There are only 480 characters per second, about one every 2ms. If we run the main loop at least once every 32ms, we won't drop any serial data. This is only 30Hz.
  • There will only be a major loop, with no interrupts. In order, in the main loop:
  1. The inertial sensors are read
  2. An inertial packet is written to the card
  3. Every 10th time, the magnetic sensors are read, and a magnetic packet is written to the card
  4. The serial port is checked, and while there is a byte present, the port is read and parsed as NMEA. If there is a complete sentence, update the 2D state and GPS heading.
  5. The heading Kalman filter is run based on the inertial sensors and GPS heading, if new. This is the navigation portion of Navigate, Guide, Control.
  6. The waypoints are consulted and updated as necessary, and the heading to the correct waypoint is caluclated. This is the Guide portion of Navigate, Guide, Control.
  7. The difference between the navigation heading and guidance heading is used to calculate the steering. This is the control part of Navigate, Guide, Control.
  8. The control value is written to the steering PWM.

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