Sunday, April 24, 2011

ARM C++ libraries

Short answer:

Add -fno-exception -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections to the compiler command line
Add -lstdc++ -Wl,--gc-sections to the linker command line

So now we have our main program translated into C++. This mostly involved just cleaning up some warnings and using extern "C" where we needed. Now it's C++, but still not object oriented.

So, we take our four separate but similar sensor handling code blocks and make them all inherit from a common sensor ancestor.

By the way, if you want to learn object-oriented philosophy, I found it much easier to learn in Java. This is mostly because everything is an object, and there are no other ways to do things like there are in C with pointers and especially function pointers. Once you have learned the philosophy, it is easy to apply to any object-oriented language. You just have to learn how to say in your new language what you wanted to say in Java.

So, we write our new sensor base class, our specific accelerometer, gyro, compass, etc, derived classes, get it all to compile, and now it won't link. The linker is whining about not being able to find various vtables.

It turns out that when you start actually using objects, you have to include a new library, libstdc++. This usually means changing your makefile. In my case, my makefile is derived from the one which came from the Sparkfun Logomatic firmware, and the needed switches were already there, just commented out.

CPLUSPLUS_LIB = -lstdc++

This makes the linker pull in everything it needs to support inheritance and polymorphism. Now the vtables exist, and it compiles! Yay!

But now the final firmware is almost twice the size. Yukari is the code intended to go on the AVC, while Candace is the code intended for the rocketometer.

ProgramSize in hexSize in decimal
Yukari - C code only0x1a1f8107000
Candace - C++ code0x19xxx[1]~107000
Candace - Objects0x2a764173924

[1] I didn't get an exact measurement when it was in C++ with no objects, but it was similar in size to Yukari

Where did all that extra 80k come from? On a logomatic, it doesn't matter quite so much, but it's still a pain. So, what is all this extra code (and especially data)? Exception handling. I think in particular it is called the unwind tables, and includes among other things the name of each and every function in your program, along with demangler code, error message printing code, and stack backtrace code. This is a feature which is wound all through Java, but kind of bolted onto the side of C++. You don't need to use it, and I imagine in an embedded system, you mostly can't use it. I know that I don't.

So we can just turn off the exception system, right? Well, yes and no. First, let's just add that -fno-exceptions flag. It turns out that there was such a flag in my makefile all along. It also has -fno-rtti. I don't know what that does, but we will take these two flags as a unit.

FlagsSize in hexSize in decimal
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti0x2a6c0173760

A measly couple of hundred bytes. What if we told it to not generate unwind tables specifically?

FlagsSize in hexSize in decimal
above plus -fno-unwind-tables0x2a6c0173760

Exactly the same size.

But Arduino uses C++ and doesn't fill memory to overflowing with these tables. What is it doing? Let's see. For compiling, it has -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections, and to link it has -Wl,--gc-sections. What this is doing is telling the compiler to put each and every function into its own section in the object file, instead of the usual bundle everything into the .text section, and putting the data for each function, and each global variable, into its own section. Then it tells the linker to garbage-collect sections, that is, remove sections from the final executable which are never used. Does this work?

FlagsSize in hexSize in decimal
above plus -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections0x2aae0174816
above plus -Wl,--gc-sections0x1738495108

That's got it! Yes, I admit the code is rather heavy, but it includes among other things, a 3600 entry sine table. It fits, and it doesn't have the gross bloat that the unwind tables added. Apparently since this is smaller than Yukari, there must have been some dead code there that this section garbage-collect removed.

The linker provides a convenient map file which tells among other things, which sections were not included at all. Some of these are things I know were dead code, and some others I know were used. What seems to be happening is that these functions are used only in one module and the compiler decided to inline all actual uses of the function. It also wrote a standalone function, but the linker saw that nothing used it.

Some strangeness: I had a function with static local variables. That function pulled in symbols called "guard" and "unguard" and those pulled in tons of unwind stuff. I then pulled them out into static constants outside the function, then pulled them back in as static local variables, and then there was no guard and no code bloat.

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